Circumcision of the Heart Ministry
For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit,
and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
Philippians 3:3
Minister Willie Harris
In order to please God, even in prison, we must walk by faith and not by sight. Faith is trust or belief in something or someone.
One's faith has to have an object or source in which he or she centers his or her faith.

The Bible says in (
Hebrews 11:1),"Now faith is the assurance of things hope for, the conviction or evidence of things not seen." As Christians, Jesus Christ is the object or source of our faith. One cannot trust or please Almighty God, without having placed his/her faith in His Son. Jesus Christ is the only way to come into a right and faithful relationship with Almighty God. Embracing the gospel message gives one faith to believe and trust that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, that He was buried, and that God raised him from the dead.

Upon one's confession of this truth to Almighty , God, he or she is saved eternally. nothing or no one can change what God has done. God is eternal and so is the salvation that He gives to His children. The Bible says that salvation is of the LORD and nothing can snatch us from the hands of Christ. I could not speak on this subject without first acknowledging our Savior, Who is the Keeper of our souls. God the Holy Spirit is the One who gives us the strength and comfort to stand through all that we go through in order that we will please and glorify Almighty God.

Now that we ha have talked about coming into a right relationship with Almighty God, we can begin to truly talk about how to please God…even in prison. First of all, this relationship has to be kindled. Therefore, we have to lay ourselves before God…with our mind, body and soul, in all sincerity. (
Romans 12:1-2speaks on this.
The Bible says that our way of thinking and doing is different from God's way. See (
Isaiah 55:8-11). We must read and study God's Word with a made-up mind to trust and obey it.

The more time we spend in God's Word, the more we will come to know Him, His ways, and His will for our lives. Then we will begin to look at life and the circumstances of life through the eyes of God. We will fine great joy and unquenchable peace. We will learn the value of taking our troubles to the' LORD in prayer and find help in our time of need.

The Bible says in (
Isaiah 26:3) that if our minds are fixed upon the Lord, He will keep us in perfect peace because we trust in him.

In order to keep our minds fixed on Him:

● We need to develop a consistent prayer life.

●We need to develop a consistent time to spend with God in His Word.

●We need to talk to God openly and honestly about all that we go through.

●We need to have intimate fellowship with other believers.

● We must be willing to wait upon the LORD while we are going "through."

●We must obey the LORD, even when it hurts.

● We must always trust that God is with us.

●We must serve while we wait, keeping in mind that we were created to glorify the LORD.

Now we will talk about a few practical ways to exercise our faith with the mindset of pleasing God even while in prison. The Bible says that faith without work is dead. (
James 2:17) It also says that we are to be doers of the Word, not just hearers. (James 1:22)

True faith in the LORD leads to trusting and obeying His Word. This is the only way to please Him. In order to please God in a practical way, even while in prison:

●We are to fellowship with other believers.

●We are to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ.

●We must refuse to believe that because we are in prison that we should get special treatment from the Lord ,
that will allow us to live beneath what His Word says.

●We must pray for and obey those in authority over us.

●We are to pray for peace in our place of captivity.

●We are to share our faith with others in a loving and non -condemning way.

● We are to work as "unto the LORD."

●We must keep in mind that we are called to be witnesses in all that we do, even when we are engaging in sports or other activities.

●We ought to share our hurts with the family of God in order for them to help us bear our burdens or crises.

●We are to be mindful of our actions, as well as our reactions.

●We are to keep close family ties; but, at the same time, not burden our families.

●Parents need to keep in ouch with their kids. No matter what kind of bad news we receive, we must keep looking to Jesus.
In doing all that is mentioned here, we will please God--even in prison.

Comments Write:

Willie Harris, 44654-019 
FCI- Coleman - Medium
P. O. Box 1032
Coleman, Florida 33521-1032

How to Please God, Even In Prison:

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him God”
(Hebrews 11 :6)
By: Minister Willie Harris